Everyone has heard of the importance of vitamins and minerals, but it can be a struggle to understand what we need and why. Having a greater awareness of your nutritional needs may help you lead a healthier life.

Vitamins are organic compounds made by either plants or animals. For example, dogs can produce their own vitamin C, but humans need to get vitamin C from our diets. ¹ This is the case in humans for most vitamins as our bodies are not capable of producing them or produces very little. We need to get our daily vitamin intake through diet, supplementation, or naturally like absorbing sunlight to create vitamin D.
Minerals are elements found in the earth and food and are divided into two categories: macrominerals and trace minerals. Macrominerals are beneficial in larger quantities while trace minerals are beneficial in smaller quantities. ² We typically get our daily intake of minerals from the foods we consume, such as nuts and seeds, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli), eggs, and more. In some cases, your doctor may recommend taking a mineral supplement or if you are taking certain medications, it’s recommended to consume less of certain minerals. ³
These are some common vitamins and minerals that we consume daily (or should!).
Alpha-Lipoic Acid
This powerful antioxidant is produced in the body and assists in regenerating other antioxidants, like vitamins E & C. ⁴ Although this antioxidant is naturally produced in the body, some people may need to take an alpha-lipoic acid supplement to help manage a surplus of oxidants caused by chronic diseases or metabolic disorders. Alpha-lipoic acid has several health benefits and may be used to: ⁴
Help reduce nerve pain
Reduce risk of chronic disease
Support healthy inflammation
Boost skin health
B12 Vitamins
Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that is not produced naturally in the body, but rather in animal products. Consuming products like meat, fish, and dairy foods may help provide the daily recommended amount of vitamin B12. ⁵ Here is a list of potential health benefits from taking vitamin B12: ⁵
May help red blood cell formation
May improve mood
May benefit brain and memory
May support healthy hair, skin, and nails
The body needs calcium to build and maintain strong bones and it is the most abundant mineral in the body, stored in your bones and teeth. ⁶ Calcium helps your muscles move and your nerves carry messages from the brain. Calcium may have a few positive effects on your health: ⁶
May increase bone mineral density
May reduce risk of preeclampsia in some pregnant women
Helps muscle growth and recovery
Supports bone health
D Vitamins
Vitamin D works to help absorb calcium into the body. Despite the name, it’s actually not a vitamin but rather a hormone or prohormone. Vitamin D is most often acquired through sun exposure. When the skin is exposed to the sun’s UVB rays, the body produces vitamin D. Besides the sun, it can be found in fatty fish, egg yolks, cheese, mushrooms, and more. ⁷ Vitamin D has similar health benefits as calcium, along with a few others: ⁷
Supports strong bones and teeth
May support strong immune system
May support brain health
May help healthy inflammation levels
This fruit from the Sambucus tree has long been used to help ease cold and flu symptoms and help boost the immune system. ⁸ Elderberry contains certain compounds that may be beneficial to your health and is loaded with antioxidants. Elderberry may help with: ⁸
Fighting cold and flu symptoms
Protecting healthy cells to fight acne
Supporting healthy skin
Boosting the immune system
Folic Acid
Folic acid is another term for a type of vitamin B (vitamin B9 to be exact) and is found in leafy greens, citrus fruits, and beans. ⁹ Extra amounts of this water-soluble vitamin leaves the body through urine, meaning the body does not store folic acid so it’s important to get a regular supply through diet or supplements. This vitamin may have many functions: ⁹
Helps with cell function and tissue growth
Works to help vitamin B12 and vitamin C with protein break down, use, and creation
Helps form red blood cells
Helps produce the body’s DNA
The leaves and seeds from the Ginkgo biloba tree have often been used in traditional Chinese medicine. In more modern research, ginkgo extract, which is made from the Ginkgo tree leaves, is more commonly used. ¹⁰ Many ginkgo supplements are rich in antioxidants and is often used to help boost brain function and blood circulation. Besides those benefits, ginkgo may:
Help support healthy inflammation levels
Support circulation and heart health
Boost mood
Help manage headaches and migraines
This is an essential mineral needed to support a healthy circulatory system. The body needs iron to make hemoglobin, which helps red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body. ¹¹ It can be found in meat and seafood but is commonly supplemented. Some health concerns that iron works to help include:
Managing symptoms of anemia
Boost energy levels
Aid in exercise performance
Boost cognition
Part of the carotenoid family, which gives vegetables their bright orange, red, or yellow color, lutein is full of antioxidants and is known to be used to help boost eye health and vision. ¹² Lutein is found in the retina, concentrated mostly in the back of your eye, and may contribute to several health benefits including: ¹²
Healthy inflammation
Enhance eye sharpness
Protect eye tissues
May reduce cell loss
Found in leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and beans, magnesium plays a crucial role in brain and body function. It helps with energy production, protein formation, muscle movements, and more. ¹³ Although this mineral is found in certain foods, it is often supplemented as most people don’t get enough through diet alone. Here are some potential health benefits of magnesium:
Boosts mood
May promote heart health
May support healthy bones
Helps sleep patterns
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
These “healthy fats” are fatty acids found in certain foods such as salmon, flaxseed and chia seeds. Omega-3 fatty acids are not produced in the body and need to be obtained from diet. ¹⁴ These fatty acids play a vital role in your cell membranes and are concentrated in high levels in your eyes and brain. Other health benefits may include: ¹⁴
Supporting heart health
Boosting energy levels
Supporting endocrine system
May reduce risk of blood clots
Probiotics are friendly bacteria that live in the gut and can be found in different foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, and more. ¹⁵ Note that probiotics and prebiotics are very different and should not be confused. Prebiotics are essentially the food that probiotics feed from. ¹⁵ Some benefits to consuming probiotics may include:
Weight loss support
Healthy digestion
Enhanced immune function
Healthy skin
This flavonoid is found in many fruits, vegetables, and drinks and cannot be made by the human body. Quercetin contains powerful antioxidants that may contribute to heart health along with many other health concerns: ¹⁶
Supporting healthy inflammation
Allergy relief
May reduce risk of infections
May support healthy blood pressure
A plant in the ginger family, turmeric is a common spice with its main component being curcumin, which gives the spice its yellow color. Both turmeric and curcumin have numerous health benefits. Historically, turmeric was used for skin disorders, upper respiratory tract, joints, and the digestive system. ¹⁷ Today, turmeric is used in ways that may support:
Healthy joints
Healthy digestion
Zinc is a mineral found in the body’s cells and plays a vital role in cell growth, division, and the activity of enzymes, proteins, and DNA. ¹⁸ Since the body cannot make zinc, it’s necessary to get it from foods including meat, fish, whole grains, dairy, and more. Besides supporting cell health, zinc is essential for other bodily functions such as: ¹⁸
Immune support
Wound healing
Blood clotting
Taste and smell senses
Now you have a better understanding about some of the vitamins and minerals you can consume to help live a healthy life! Before taking a supplement or adding additional nutrient rich foods to your diet, it is best to talk to your health care team to see what best fits your needs. Your pharmacist can discuss any drug interactions as well; if you are currently taking any vitamins or supplements, be sure to tell your pharmacist!